S129 Saison Brewers Yeast
A classic farmhouse style ale strain with exceptionally strong kinetics. This strain has the ability to ferment at low temperatures (17 °C) while producing a dry, tart beer with complex aromas of spicy phenolics, citrus, white pepper and bubblegum.
Bright Saison has the ability to ferment dextrins leading to very high attenuation, for this reason, it is recommended to provide the yeast time at the end of the fermentation to consume the last few gravity points prior to packaging. Increasing temperature near the end of fermentation can help speed up this process. Packaging under-attenuated beer can cause over pressurization of bottles and kegs
spicy phenolics
white pepper
slightly tart

Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Diastatic Genotype*
STA1 Present
Diastatic Phenotype
Killer Phenotype
POF Phenotype
* STA1 is present and active. Brewer should take precautions to insure complete fermentation prior to packaging beer and use effective sanitation practice to avoid cross contamination.
Ideal Temperature Range 17 °C to 30 °C
Typical Fermentation Time* Fermentable sugars 5 days,
up to 21 days for dextrin reduction
Apparent Attenuation 95%+
RDF 80 – 85%
Maltotriose Utilization 100%
Flocculation Low
Sedimentation Compact
Fermentation Style Top fermenting
* Depending on temperature
Humidity <8%
Viable cells ≥ 5 x 10^9 CFU/g
Total Bacteria 5/ml*
Acetic Acid Bacteria 1/ml*
Lactobacillus 1/ml*
Pediococcus 1/ml*
Wild non Sacc 1/ml*
*When yeast is pitched at 100 g/hL
Transforming ADY from its shelf stable dormant state into an active liquid yeast is a simple process. By following these instructions you will ensure the yeast maintains high viable cell counts, proper membrane functions and quick initiation of cell growth and division. Its like having an instant yeast propagator!
1. Start with clean contaminant free tap water at 30-35 °C and a clean sterile container. Amount of water needed is 5 L of water for every 500 g package of yeast (water: 10X the weight of yeast).
2. Sprinkle yeast onto the surface of the water, ensuring all the yeast makes contact with water. Do not mix, allow the yeast to sit for 15 minutes. Do not exceed 30 minutes or cells could exhaust their internal glycogen reserves.
3. After 15 minutes stir the yeast mixture to fully rehydrate and dislodge any clumps. Let sit for an additional 5 minutes to finish rehydrating.
4. The yeast is now ready to be pitched! To avoid osmotic and temperature shocking the yeast, add fractions of wort to the slurry in 5-minute intervals until the slurry temperature is within 10 °C of the wort temperature. When working with yeast always avoid temperature swings greater than 10 °C.
5. Add the rehydrated and acclimatized yeast slurry into wort.
Store unopened, in original packaging, between 4-15 °C (39-59 °F) in a dry area away from direct sunlight. Do not freeze! Opened packages must be sealed and stored at 4 °C (39 °F) and used within 7 days of opening. Do not use soft or damaged packages.
Shelf Life 24 months
Ingredients Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Emulsifier E491

Angel can provide brewing yeasts, ingredients and related technical services for the production of wine, beer, and other brewing liquor. All our products are natural, safe, and of high quality. With the current energy shortages around the world, the production of fuel ethanol through yeast fermentation has become an inevitable trend.